SA 8000:2014 Certification (Social Accountability)

PQC has implemented SA-8000 Certification in more than 100+ organization across the India. We have a team of auditors who are expertise in Implementation, Training & Auditing.

What is SA-8000:2014?

SA stands for Social Accountability, 8000 is the standard & 2014 is the revision of year. This is a social compliance certification standard that encourages organizations to develop, maintain and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace & provide common guidelines for worker in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement not based on race, national or territorial or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, political opinions, age or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.

What is certification process?

1. Prepare documentation as per the compliance of standard.
2. Make Women Cell Committee, Health & Safety Committee and Worker’s Committee and make heads of each committee.
3. Make the Social Performance Team.
4. Make management representative.
5. Awareness Training.
6. Implementation of standard.
7. Select team of auditors & conduct Internal Audit. Internal Auditors should be qualified.
8. Do Social Accountability planning & review meeting.
9. Select the Certification Body (Quality Control Certification).
10. Go for Audit Process & after successfully completion of audit, certification body will award the organization “SA-8000 Certificate & Audit Report”, which can be asked/verified by organization’s client.

What documentation are require for an organization for compliance of standard?

For compliance standard, documentation are required SA policies, Procedures, Forms & Formats some examples as follows:-

List of Policies:-

  • Child Labour Policy
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Social Accountability Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy & etc.

List of Procedures:-

  • Procedure for SA Management System Planning & Review
  • Procedure for Recruitment & Training
  • Procedure for Health & Safety
  • Procedure for SA Risk Assessment
  • Procedure for Handling of Incidents of Discrimination & etc.

List of Formats:-

  • Format for Social Performance Monitor Plan
  • Format for Social Performance Checklist
  • Format for Hazards Identification & Risk Assessment Worksheet
  • List of Potential HS Emergency & Respond
  • Format for SA Commitment Declaration & etc.


  • Achieve best practice in ethical employment, trading and operations
  • Engage and motivate your employees with improved morale
  • Introduce greater transparency to the way you run your business
  • Maintain existing business and attract new customers and investors
  • Gain recognition as an socially accountable organization
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